So today I took them out. Cleaned them and put them on. They are more like accessories for me. They don’t really help me walk. My wheels are more like legs. Sadly for many who have functional legs don’t really put them to use and stand in quick sand throughout life. As for me, I put my lifeless legs to use also.
Today I took my Sari to grace my cousin’s Barat. I locked the door and challenged myself to put it on. With just two hands to put it on and balance to stand at the same time. I managed to get it together and sat grinning in the mirror at my reflection for a few minutes. I mean look at this chick! She does it again! She knows she can. No audience needed. No validation needed. I panted and took deep breaths and got on with my life having lived a moment of achievement. No one needs to know how many times I lost breath or was about to fall. I put it all behind my smile and now it’s time to pose.
Read More: Style with confidence ft. Girl Gone International
Follow me on Instagram: @tanzilakhanworld