Big shout out to Anton Ryberg and Tom Helling for arranging amazing activities for us. I would like to add here that the last time I was in any collegelike environment was almost 10 years ago and I could not participate in many experiences that are essential to the student life and that help shape you up for the bigger challenges of the world.
This was mostly because I was working since a young age and also because of inaccessibility of infrastructure and I guess also my own shyness of not really communicating that I want to participate as I already felt like a misfit. Well, I guess its all about taking initiatives yourself and letting the world ´fit in´ with you. I am so glad I came forward regardless of my mobility needs and participated as much as I could. It did not feel unnatural to me at all.
In fact I felt I have been playing these games since forever. I made some new friends, had good laughs and just amazing physical activity that was refreshing! Now I am wondering why the hell I didn’t pursue a career in Paralympics !?